Forgien Language Classes in Punjab

French is ranked the 2nd most influential language in the World. Around 175 Million people around the world understand, read, write and speak the French Language. It is the official language of 41 countries. This course is for people who wish to develop a basic understanding of the French language. It includes basics of reading, writing, listening and speaking (Vocabulary, pronunciations, sentence framing, and basic grammar). It also prepares you for the DELF (Diplômed’ études en langue français) certification that is administered by the Ministry of Education, France.

Personality Development

Though everyone is born unique, we all possess certain traits that set us apart from the rest. These traits define who we are and how we respond to situations. Often, we end up clinging onto the ones that do more harm than good and end up undervaluing ourselves. The fact however remains that we are all unique in our own ways and only need to ignite that dormant passion and give a boost to our persona. This is where personality development comes in. Personality development is nothing but the act of moving from an inert and disinterested state of existence to a zealous, motivated and joyous living one. It’s is the act of celebrating your uniqueness without hesitations and boundaries, but only with more enthusiasm and liveliness.

English Speaking

If you have trouble communicating in English (reading, writing and speaking) and if you feel weak and lack confidence among colleagues at work, friends at college or cousins then this is the right course for you.

Candidates who have completed this course perform better at job interviews, excel at work and secure promotions faster, converse well and get more respect in social circles now.

Business Language Training

If you speak two languages then you can think in two different ways. That sure does come in handy when talking to client in their mother languages. We know that business means connecting to people and it is all about how to narrate your thoughts to people. We provide coaching of French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, English and Chinese to business professional who own business in respective countries. Our course will help to maintain better relations with your client. It will make you more independent in your business trips. We can train you clients to call in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian to sell your products.

Computer Training

The SMK Future vision is to promote quality IT education in the non – formal Sector and mover up the knowledge chain in line with changing needs of industry and technological trends and thereby meet the manpower requirements of the country.

SMK Future is the leading institute in Hoshiarpur ,Punjab Region. Providing good quality education at affordable price is its fundamental philosophy. Top management and then followed by the Course in Charge as the middle management and then comes the counselors and the office assistants.